Datasheet: MEGI®-Cones
MEGI®-Cones - MEGI®-Cone Mounts
For the elastical mounting and tear-off safety mounting of machines, superstructures and cabins.
Type of load / -directions:
- compression
- tear
- shear
- combinations (compression, tear, shear)
Statically maximum load:
- compression: 17 kN
MEGI®-Cones are available with square flange and 4 fastening bores or
with oval flange and 2 fastening bores.
Due to ingenious forms of the elastomer body it is possible to realise different kind of stiffnesses in X- und Y-directions.
All types are available in hardness soft, middle and hard.
Details and technical datas like dimensions and loads are available from the chapter of the MEGI®-catalogue by following the link:
Datasheet: MEGI®-Cones 
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Examples of use:
Mounting of:
- cabins, chassis cabs
- aggregates, electrical and combustion engines
- compressors and pumps
- vibrations machines
- vehicle body superstructures
Special properties:
- tear-off safe
- tear loadable
- mechanical end stops with ring washers
- due to ring washers the loadcurve in axical direction is progressive
- higher torque possible by using a full metall core
- very good horizontal guidance
- optional different horizontal stiffnesses possible
- strength category of the central screw joint: 5
- other strength categories on request