Welcome on the website
of company Meinert GmbH
As a well-known specialist for products made of rubber and plastics, we deliver high-quality products and offer customized solutions for every need in the sectors
Based on more than 150 years of experience, we represent tradition and reliability as well as flexibilty and innovation. With this backround and our wide range of products we offer system solutions for all industrial sectors across the globe.
Our outstanding worldwide reputation as a powerful and innovative business partner dues to the ability and our passion to fulfil the desires of our customers entirely.
We are pleased to give you some first impressions about company Meinert on this website.
We moved!
Dear business partners,
we are proud to announce that we have been moved within the city of Hamburg to our new office and stock facilities!
In this context we change resp. simplify our company name!
Our new data since 15th of november 2017 are as follows:
Meinert GmbH
Schnackenburgallee 151
D-22525 Hamburg
P.O. Box. 540 111
D-22501 Hamburg
All your well known contact persons are still remain the same as well as our VAT-number!