Datasheet: MEGI®-Buffer
MEGI®-Buffer - MEGI®-Shear Mounts - MEGI®-Compression Mounts
For simple to mount and low-cost elastical mountings of small machines and aggregates.
Type of load / -directions:
- compression
- shear
- angular (compression/shear)
Statically maximum load :
- compression: 30 kN
MEGI®-Buffer are available in various types for example with inner and/or outer threads as well as different kind of Shore A-hardnesses soft, medium und hard.
Details and technical datas like dimensions and loads are available from the chapter of the MEGI®-catalogue by following the link:
Datasheet: MEGI®-Buffer 
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Examples of use:
Mounting of:
- light and middle heavy weight aggregates
- electric- and combustion-engines
- compressors and pumps
- vibration machines
Special properties:
- easy to use and low-cost standard elements
- easy fastening
- strength category of the central screw joint: 5
- other strength categories on request
- no tear load of the elastomer permitted